Holidays and TimeOff


“Holiday” or “time-off” for service engineers refers to periods when these professionals are officially granted leave or time away from their regular work duties


Field LabelData TypeDescription
Sl NoAuto NumberAuto number
TypePicklistRequired-Type of the holiday or time-off
ReasonLong Text Area(32768)Required-Reason for the holiday or time-off
StartDate/TimeRequired-Start date and time of the holiday or time-off
EndDate/TimeRequired-End date and time of the holiday or time-off
DB TextText(255)Custom label that is used to show up on the dispatch board
Show in Dispatch BoardCheckboxTrue, if the holiday/time-off needs to be shown in the dispatch board for the dispatchers to see
Service EngineerLookup(Service Engineer)Required-Service Engineer who is requesting holiday or time-off
StatusPicklistRequired-Status of the holiday or time-off
Allow Assignments Checkbox True, if the dispatcher can assign the job during the holiday/time-off