Contact is a person’s who actually works at your customer location. He/she can be direct contact for your regular jobs, invoicing and any other communications. Multiple contacts can be added in each account. Account contains the personal information about each contact person.
- Create new contact for the specific account by click ‘New Contact’ button in the Contacts.
- Account Name, Email, Phone Number, Lead Source, Address.
- You can also manually enter contact person DOB, Assistant, Asst. phone and Reports To.
New Contact Page

Contact Fields:
Field Label | Data Type | Description |
Contact Owner | Reference | The owner of the account associated with this contact. |
Phone | Phone | Telephone number for the contact. Label is Phone. |
Name | String | Concatenation of First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, and Suffix. Maximum size is 121 characters |
Account Name | Reference | Name of the account that is the parent of this contact. We recommend that you only update up to 50 contacts simultaneously when changing the accounts on contacts enabled for a Customer Portal or partner portal. We also recommend that you make this update outside your organization’s business hours |
Home Phone | Phone | Home telephone number for the contact. |
Mobile | Phone | Contact’s mobile phone number |
Title | String | Title of the contact such as CEO or Vice President. |
Other Phone | Phone | Telephone for alternate address |
Department | String | The department of the contact. |
Fax | Phone | Fax number for the contact. Label is Fax. |
Birthdate | Date | The birthdate of the contact, The year portion of the Birthdate field is ignored in filter criteria, including report filters, list view filters, and SOQL queries. |
Email address for the contact | ||
Reports To | Reference | This field is not visible if Is Person Account is true. |
Assistant Name | String | The name of the assistant. |
Lead Source | Pick list | The source of the lead. |
Asst. Phone | Phone | The telephone number of the assistant. |
Mailing Address | Address | The compound form of the mailing address. Read-only. See Address Compound Fields for details on compound address fields. |
Other Address | Address | The compound form of the other address. Read-only. See Address Compound Fields for details on compound address fields. |
Description | Text area | A description of the contact. Label is Description. |