

Freight typically refers to the movement of inventory from one stock location to another within an organization.


Field LabelData TypeDescription
Freight NoAuto NumberAuto number
Source LocationLookupSource inventory location from where the product is being transferred
Destination LocationLookupRequired. Destination inventory location where the product will be added to the inventory
Contact PersonLookupContact person(Service engineer) for the freight
OwnerLookup(User, Group)Owner(salesforce user) who initiate the freight
StatusPicklistStatus of the freight
JobLookupJob linked the freight
Tracking NumberText(100)Tracking number of the freight
Tracking URLURL(255)Tracking URL of the freight
Product RequestLookupProduct request associated with the freight(optional)
Expected Delivery DateDateExpected delivery date
Ship To AddressText Area(255)Physical address where the products need to be shipped
Return OrderLookupReturn order associated with the freight(optional)