These are items or components that are used or consumed as part of a job, and they are sourced from the trunk location of service engineers. In other words, these are materials or parts that the service engineers carry with them in their vehicles (trunks) and use on-site when performing tasks or jobs.

Field Label | Data Type | Description |
Sl No | Auto Number | Auto number of the consumed parts |
Job | Master-Detail(Job) | Job for which the product is consumed |
Inventory | Master-Detail(Inventory) | Inventory record from which the consumption happened |
Product Name | Formula (Text) | Name of the product which is consumed |
Serial Number | Formula (Text) | Serial number of the product, if it is serialized |
Qty | Number(16,2) | No of products consumed for the job |
Job Item | Lookup(Job Item) | Job item linked to the consumed products |
Unit Price | Currency (16, 2) | Price of the consumed product as per the pricebook associated in the job |
Total | Formula (Number) | Total value of the consumed product(Unit Price * Qty) |
Billable | Checkbox | True, if the product need to be invoiced |
Replaced Item | Text (255) | Defective item serial number which is replaced by the consumed part |