

An estimate is a forecast of the type and cost of service that will be provided to the customer. It gives the customer a good understanding of what type of service will be performed and the total cost involved.

Different levels of approval can be used to ensure customer and internal satisfaction. This process can be omitted if it is not required by the organization or the customer.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Estimations-Gif.gif


Field Label Data Type Description
Estimate Number Auto Number Unique number of the estimate
Customer Lookup Required. Name of the account
Contact Lookup Name of the customer contact person
Tentative Date and Time Date/Time Tentative job date
Work Description Text Area(255) Required. Work that the service engineer need to carry out
Location Lookup Customer location lookup
Job Type Lookup Required. Type of the work, service engineer need to carry out
Status Picklist Required. Estimate status
Date Date Required – Estimate Prepared/Sent Date
Owner Lookup(User, Group) Owner of the estimate(Salesforce user)
Estimated By Lookup Engineer who prepared the estimate
Service Plan Lookup Service plan lookup
Price Book Lookup Pricebook lookup for the estimate line item pricing
Items Total Roll-Up Summary Total value of all estimate items
Other Charges Currency Charges calculated based on the custom logic
Grand Total Formula Total value of all estimate items with other charges
Notes Long Text Area(32768) Notes to add at the end of estimate