Service Engineer


Fieldax maintains a comprehensive 360-degree view of your Service Engineer’s details, accessible anytime and anywhere. The Service Engineer, whether an in-house employee or a contractor working on your behalf, is the individual responsible for site visits.

Fig 1: Service engineer page

Service Engineer Fields :

Field Label Data Type Description
Engineer ID Text(20) Engineer code
Name Text(80) Required. Name of the service engineer
Salesforce User Lookup Licensed user profile to access FieldAx system for an engineer
Trunk Location Lookup Vehicle location for Service engineer
DB Label Text(80) Custom label to show on dispatch board views
Active Picklist Engineer active status
Joined Date Date Date when the engineer joined
Is Contractor? Checkbox If engineer is a contractor
Hourly Rate Currency Hourly rate of the engineer, used for labor charge calculation on invoice
Email Email Engineer email ID
Street Text Area(255) Street where engineer lives
City Text(25) City where engineer lives
State Text(20) State where engineer lives
Country Picklist Country where engineer lives
Postal Code Text(15) Postal code where engineer lives
Latitude Text(100)
Longitude Text(100)